This just marks the start of a new life for me and its exciting and nerve wracking
The man's trying to put me down.
Age 32, Female
Fucking you.
Under a rock
Joined on 4/19/09
Posted by MaddieLion - April 12th, 2015
This just marks the start of a new life for me and its exciting and nerve wracking
Posted by MaddieLion - July 15th, 2012
And by new I mean first. I might be your stereotypical long haired scruffy pizza dude.
Posted by MaddieLion - February 3rd, 2012
Braces are on and holy shit am I in pain. I just want to take some god damn wire cutters and cut these god damn things off. Fuckin painkillers aren't doing anything.
Posted by MaddieLion - January 24th, 2012
Yeah, just found out I'm getting braces at 19 years old. Totally awesome. A year and a half.
Posted by MaddieLion - November 3rd, 2011
Filii Pelopis erant Atreus Thyestesque. Thyestes uxorem Atrei corrumpit; tum Atreus vitium invenit et tolerare non potest. Insidias igitur contra fratrem cogitat: " Sum plenus irae! Quare filios parvos mei fratris necabo secaboque. Tum membra coquam et Thyestae cenam dabo. " Necat pueros; Thyestes suos filios mortuos in mensa videt. O miser Thyeste! Nihil nunc habes. Sed, o Atreu, propter tua magna vitia filii tui magnas poenas dabunt. In animis filiorum tuorum manebit tua culpa antiqua; erit perpetua. Quid debemus de tuis insidiis cogitare, o Atreu? Tuam iram non poteras superare; mala igitur erit semper tua fama. Te tuamque vitam pauci boni laudabunt, sed multi culpabunt.
The sons of Pelops were Atreus and Thyestes. Thyestes will seduce the wife of Atreus, then Atreus will discover the crime and he is not able to tolerate it. Therefore he thinks treacheries against his brother. " I am full of anger ! ( Missing Sentence ) Then I will cook the limbs and I will give a meal to Thyestes. He killed the boys, Thyestes sees his own sons dead on the table. Oh poor Thyestes! Now you have nothing. But, oh Atreus, because of your great crime, the sons will give you a great punishment. In spirit of your sons he remains your ancient guilt, he will be everlasting. ( Missing Sentence ) You were not able to overcome your anger, therefore your fame will always be bad. Few good men will praise you and your life, but many faults.
Posted by MaddieLion - November 2nd, 2011
Filii Pelopis erant Atreus Thyestesque. Thyestes uxorem Atrei corrumpit; tum Atreus vitium invenit et tolerare non potest. Insidias igitur contra fratrem cogitat: " Sum plenus irae! Quare filios parvos mei fratris necabo secaboque. Tum membra coquam et Thyestae cenam dabo. " Necat pueros; Thyestes suos filios mortuos in mensa videt. O miser Thyeste! Nihil nunc habes. Sed, o Atreu, propter tua magna vitia filii tui magnas poenas dabunt. In animis filiorum tuorum manebit tua culpa antiqua; erit perpetua. Quid debemus de tuis insidiis cogitare, o Atreu? Tuam iram non poteras superare; mala igitur erit semper tua fama. Te tuamque vitam pauci boni laudabunt, sed multi culpabunt.
Posted by MaddieLion - September 18th, 2011
Suntne feminae puellaeque in Germania.